Wielding Logic

More of nothing the same.

Code stuff

These are some projects that I have available on GitHub. I wrote them to make my life a little easier. Maybe they will help you as well. I have a lot more (30 years worth) unpublished code that might see the outside world some day. These are just some select recent things that started their life on GitHub.


A tiny Windows C++ app to display your current virtual desktop number in the system tray. Requires at least Windows 11 21H2.


A tiny windows C++ app to toggle the visibility of the annoying Windows Media Overlay. This only works for Windows 10 since Windows 11 does not have the same functionality.


A Powershell module available in the Powershell gallery to mimic the *nix ls command with customizable colors and styles.


A Powershell module available in the Powershell gallery to store and quickly jump to locations or execute common Powershell tasks.


A Powershell module available in the Powershell gallery to make using ANSI sequences a little easier. Used by WieldingLs.